Are you looking for a reliable and knowledgeable local partner for your mining projects in Pakistan and the region?

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Who We Are

Eastern Technique (Pvt) Ltd. was founded by Mr. S. H. Faruqi ex Chief Geologist Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (PMDC) in October 1990 with its headquarters at Islamabad. Other founder members who actively assisted Mr. Faruqi in the establishment of the Company were:  Mr. Muhammad Yamin Farooqi, Mr. Ali Asghar Malik, Mr. Khalid Aziz, Maj. Gen. (R) Mushtaq Ahmed, Ch. Mohammad Abdul Majeed, Syed Ghulam Abbas Shah, Mr. Muhammad Roshan, Col. (R) Ahmed Jan , Mr. Noor Shah.

Main purpose of the establishment of this Company was to establish large mining and mineral processing projects in the country and afford consultancy services to the mining industry of the country through Company’s pool of experts.
During its entire life of 28 years the Company has remained busy in the exploration/ development of its own projects (Khushab Marble, Khushab Coal, Mari Indus Dolomite, Dandot Salt, Barit / Hunkui Copper, Nokundi Iron ore etc) and in the consultancy services to a number of mining companies, mineral processing industries and individuals engaged in mining, mineral processing or marketing of minerals.

Eastern Technique has a strong and dedicated management team with extensive and broad experience from exploration to development. Management is supported by an active board with mining, exploration, and financial experience. In its present areas of exploration, ETL enjoys excellent relations with government mining agencies, local authorities, and the communities where it works.

So far, Company’s activities have been limited to the four provinces of Pakistan and Azad
Kashmir but plans are in hand to extend its activities, both in the fields of mining (own leases and partnerships) and consultancy, to Afghanistan and Iran.
At least in one of the consultancy projects of considerable magnitude (Henzal White Granite Project, Gilgit) the Company has jointly operated with ENFI China Group Corporation of Beijing China as Co-Consultants

Meet Our Team

The Company consists of some of the country’s senior most Geologists, Mining Engineers and Electrical / Mechanical Engineers. Its list of members includes two former Director Generals of Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP), a former Chairman of Pakistan Steel Karachi, a former President National Bank of Pakistan, a former Chairman PMDC, a former Chairman Resource Development Corporation (RDC), a former Director (Minerals) AKMIDC, three former Chief Mining Engineers of PMDC, a former Chief Geologist of PMDC, a former Staff Geologist Occidental Oil Company of Pakistan Ltd.,  a Software Engineer, and an Innovation and Management Consultant. Presently total number of its members is 40.

Some of our Projects

1. Nokundi Steel Mill Project, distt. Chagai Baluchistan. (planned)
2. Kalabagh / Kurd Steel Mill Project. (planned)
3. Dandot-Makrach Salt Exploration Project, Distt. Chakwal, Punjab. (planned)
4. Taftan Salt Exploration Project Distt. Chagai, Baluchistan. (planned)
5. Copper and Precious Metals Exploration Project, Gilgit. (currently active)
6. Kalabagh Oil Exploration Project, Districts of Mianwali and Karak, Punjab & KPK. (planned)
7. Consultancy services to the Chinese CPEC Team for Azad Kashmir in the establishment of mineral based projects (ongoing)


Expert Partners Agree

“Many of the arguments advanced […] are compelling and the geological evidence presented in the paper suggest that his concepts warrant serious consideration.”


“I reviewed both your lectures on salt, its tectonics and associated hydrocarbon prospects and found all your observation and deductions in compliance with theory and relevant experience elsewhere in the world. […It is] in harmony with my own salt-related experience in Austria and Germany”


Happy Customers

For Eastern Technique every customer is a partner – a partner in our shared vision of honest hard work leading to commercial success and nation building.

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